

  1. What Goes into the Service Cost?
  2. Does the Price Depend on the Reservation Period?
  3. How Can I Pay for Your Services?
  4. Documents
What Goes into the Service Cost?

We have all-inclusive tariffs. The price includes payment for the car, driver’s work, fuel and parking, VAT, and Salik fees. We have no hidden fees or charges. The contract will specify what is included in your chosen service. By choosing our company, you always know what you are paying for.

Does the Price Depend on the Reservation Period?

Yes, it depends. If you need a car for trips around the UAE for a few weeks or months, we will make a discount.

How Can I Pay for Your Services?

You can pay for services in cash, bank card Visa or MasterCard, or cryptocurrency. We will accept payment by bank transfer if you need to pay from a corporate account.

Contact our manager to clarify this issue if you want to pay another way.


We offer convenient payment methods and simple terms of cooperation. We conclude an official contract with each client. We specify the terms of the car reservation, the list of services, and their cost. The duration of using the car can be extended at any time by contacting our manager.